How to Make a Collage for Desktop Background Picture

Our desktop wallpaper is the most viewed picture in our daily routines. A cool photo collage set as the desktop background is an excellent way to shine up our desktop.
With TurboCollage, you can make a desktop background collage from your photos in just a few clicks!
Steps to Make a Collage for Your Desktop Wallpaper:
Before we get started, download and install TurboCollage. It takes less than a minute to download and complete the installation. Download here.
Step 1: Fire-Up TurboCollage & Set Collage Size
First, open TurboCollage and set the collage size to the size of the computer wallpaper.
If you're using TurboCollage on the same computer that you're making the wallpaper for, simply set your collage to use the Desktop Picture Size from the Size drop-down.

Suppose you're making a collage to use as the wallpaper for a different computer. In that case, you need to find the screen size of that computer before you can proceed further.
To find the screen size, we will first take a screenshot of the entire computer screen and then find the size of the screenshot.
On a Mac, take a fullscreen screenshot using Cmd + Shift + 3 keyboard combination. This saves the screenshot to the Desktop.
Right-click the screenshot in Finder and select Get Info from the menu. Look for Dimensions in the Info screen.

There are multiple ways to take a full-screen screenshot on a Windows computer. One standard method is to use the Snipping Tool.
Open Snipping Tool from the search bar. Click New to start a new screenshot and use the full-screen mode.
Right-click the screenshot and select Properties from the menu. View Dimensions in the Details tab.

The screen size for both the Mac and Windows computer screens used in the examples above is 1920px X 1080px. Set this as the collage size using the Set Custom Size button. Set the Resolution as 300 pixels/inch.

Step 2: Add Pictures
Open the Pictures tab and use the +/Add Pictures button to add pictures that you want to appear in your collage.
You can make a collage from any number of pictures.

Step 3: Design Your Collage
TurboCollage lets you come up with numerous collage designs quickly and easily.
Learn more about designing collages in TurboCollage tutorials.
Click this link to view a few example collages made using TurboCollage.

Step 4: Export Collage to JPG
Once you're happy with the collage, export it to a JPG image using the Export Image File button.

Step 5: Set the Exported Collage as Desktop Background
Finally, set the exported collage JPG as your desktop background.
On a Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences and go to the section Desktop & Screensaver. Add the collage JPG to set it as the desktop background.
On a Windows PC, open Settings app from the Start menu. Open Personalization > Background and set the JPG as the wallpaper.
Want to see the above in action? Here's a short video:
Here’s another desktop background collage made in TurboCollage:

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